Ovarian Masses - Part 6 - 1
Morphology vs. Doppler: Is one better?
Morphology vs. Doppler: Is one better?
why should resistive indicies help us in ovarian lesions?
- Tumors develop neovascularization with abnormal arterioles that don't "squeeze" properly
- These tend to create a low resistance vascular bed in the tumor
- This should then in theory cause tumors to have a low resistive index (RI)
is doppler then the solution to the question:
is the lesion benign or malignant?
is the lesion benign or malignant?
- The short answer is: "NO"
- Doppler is NOT independent of morphology and we obtain morphologic information on the lesion with every scan
- The better question is: "Does doppler add anything to the morphologic evaluation?"
- To figure this out, watch the next two videos in the series